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reCaptcha Those Spammers

Spam is an issue for most interactive websites, people looking to promote their site, or products they are selling are constantly trying to use well-known sites to advertise on. That’s why webmasters are in a constant battle to remove, or better yet prevent, those adverts.

One tool to combat this problem is the ‘Captcha’. A Captcha is basically a small web-based Turing test, its job is to be a filter for the interactive sections of the website, stopping automated spamming while letting genuine human users through.

reCaptcha is a Google owned tool that combines the usefulness of a captcha with the interesting idea of getting users to help digitise books. reCaptcha  displays a couple of warped partially visible words (normally fairly easy to read by humans) – these words are actually from scanned sections of books that a normal OCR (Optical Character Recognition) has had difficulty reading. In effect reCaptcha users are helping digitise books!

..More information can be found on reCaptcha’s site – including plug-ins for popular applications.

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