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Blocking Ads is All Good With Google

When extensions for Google’s Chrome web browser were finally made available to the public last week a lot of people were interested in the fate of extensions that can block advertisements.  Thankfully Google have now stated that they have no problem allowing Chrome users to install any of the number of ad-blocking extensions that have appeared in the extension gallery.

Google is almost entirely funded by the revenue that it generates through online advertising and as such many potential Chrome users were worried in the run up to the launch of extensions that Google would remove any that could potentially harm their income levels.  One of Google’s engineering directors has spoken out on the topic however stating that ad-blocking is something the company has thought long and had about but ultimately they feel a balance will be reached naturally.

The spokesman stated that “There will always be some group of people who want to block ads for personal reasons. But if we do a good job on the advertising side, people won’t want to block ads. People will find them actually useful.

“I think there will be a nice equilibrium. If people get too aggressive with ads, then ad blockers will become more popular and companies will get less aggressive with ads. The market will sort itself.”

Leaving the extension gallery relatively open to developers is definitely a good move in my opinion.  Ad blocking add-ons are amongst the most popular on Firefox, one of Google’s main competitors in the browser market, and disallowing them in Chrome would have had huge effect on the number of people likely to adopt the relatively young browser.

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