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SEO Glossary M

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Microsoft is the most dominant company in home computing. Microsoft has managed to make the Windows operating system and Office application suite into the standard that ships with PCs. Microsoft also developed the web browser Internet Explorer, which, despite recently losing some of its userbase to the strong competition from Mozilla (Firefox) and Google (Chrome), is still the most popular browser in the world. Microsoft are currently trying to reinvigorate their online search presence with the latest iteration of their search engine technology, Bing. Bing is being aggressively marketed as a ‘decision engine’ and Cozy Digital are closely monitoring its progress.

Meta Tags

These are a series of HTML tags that can be placed in the <head> section of a website. They provide additional information about the site to search engine spiders but their content is generally invisible to human visitors.

Meta Keywords

Meta keywords are a tag that can be used to state a list of key words and phrases that describe the content of the page. Originally search engines did take the meta keywords into consideration, however after it was heavily spammed in the early days of SEO most search engines stopped lending the tag any real weight. The tag can be implemented by adding the following code the pages

<head>:<meta name=”Keywords” content=”First Keyphrase, Second Keyphrase, etc” />

Meta Description

The meta description tag is used to provide a short paragraph (less than 155 characters) describing the content of the page. Search engines use this description in their results pages to provide a snippet of information below the page title. Due to this it is important that the description is relevant, unique and enticing to try and draw visitors. The description should also contain one or two relevant keyphrases to further strengthen the page. The tag can be implemented by adding the following code the pages

<head>:<meta name=”Description” content=”Description” />

Meta Search

This is the name given to a search that creates its results by combining the results from other search engines. One of the most notable examples is metacrawler.com which provides its results by combining the results from Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Ask.


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