Google’s latest big algorithm update is shaping how designers approach each new project in a much more pronounced way than most of the other algorithm updates that have went live in past years.
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Google’s latest big algorithm update is shaping how designers approach each new project in a much more pronounced way than most of the other algorithm updates that have went live in past years.
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Today, responsive websites have become the norm: And it is safe to say that responsive design is now a must-have feature to add to your check-list.
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These days, websites need to display their content and navigation effectively across a wide range of devices: In a world where the average user might just as likely be viewing a webpage on a tiny smartphone display as they would on a massive 4K monitor, flat design becomes a web designer’s best friend…
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In the accompanying post ‘Three ways that hardware has affected website design since the 1990s’, we took a look at how the evolution of computer hardware has helped shape the net we know and love today; Continuing on this theme, we now take a look at some other factors which have influenced web design since the dark ages of web development…
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Website design has come a long way since the late 1990s: Don’t believe us? Just take a quick trip to any good digital archive website and type in your favourite website addresses
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You’ve decided your business needs a website or that it needs a new one. This is a big step for your business and you want to be sure that you are making the right decisions out of the gate. Before you start blindly searching the big hosting sites or decide that you can put one together on your own using some cookie-cutter web design template, there are a few things to consider.
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If there is one thing the most successful websites have to teach about online marketing, it’s the basic concept of “less is more.” Years ago, when Google was just a fledgling search engine site it was competing with sites like Excite, Yahoo, Hotbot and Webcrawler. Google quickly outstripped them all and it began with a concept that the others hadn’t considered. Google’s site was simple, straightforward and no-nonsense.
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Find out how MOU’s SEO Ninjas and Wed Design Masters are doing their bit for Prostate Cancer this month by growing moustaches to raise money. Movember is a global awareness and fundraising campaign with a facial hair centric twist.
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Cozy Digital offer advanced Usability testing to ensure your website lives up to it's full potential.
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