In a surprising turn-around Google have bought into TV advertising in a big way as they fork out $5 million for a one minute advert during the superbowl. Does this mark the start of a new marketing strategy for the search engine provider?
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In a surprising turn-around Google have bought into TV advertising in a big way as they fork out $5 million for a one minute advert during the superbowl. Does this mark the start of a new marketing strategy for the search engine provider?
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Once again the internet gets called in for questioning by the Cozy Digital blog. The usual suspects are all in attendance with Microsoft the main offender and Google and Bing pulled in for a variety of other internet cases. This week Microsoft's response to weaknesses in IE and why your PPC clicks don't match up to your visits.
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With an array of recent enhancements, Bing continue with their improvements with up to the quarter hour updates for their autosuggest feature.
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Bing's Privacy Manager Reese Solberg announced planned changes to Bing’s Privacy Policy today. What are these changes and how do the affect your private data?
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Friday again, and as we look back over the week we find a few surprising and sometimes scary results. This week Google's dabate in China took centre stage, with other news from Bing's search engines expansion and PayPal dropping Maestro making up the podium positions.
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The Nielsen Company have released their U.S. search engine ranking results for December revealing how the underdogs Bing and Yahoo have fared against the Google.
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In conjunction with new information suppliers Bing now offer enhanced results for medical related searches. Add this to their enhanced auto search and Bing's search engine seems to be coming into it's own.
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Microsoft is again pushing deep into hallowed apple turf with its new, free, Bing App for the iPhone. This new addition, available from the iTunes, has some useful features such as voice recognition and location aware searching and map information.
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Simply put, if google was a girl would you date her and what would she be like? Let us know what you think. Funniest answer wins a date with Chrome.
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With some interesting news from the internet this week we at the Cozy Digital Blog look into how the last five days of news have shaped up. As well as looking into the news from around the web, we've also provided some interesting stuff ourselves. Read this article >>>
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